NSU… Again!!!

It has been more than six years since I got my self engaged with NSU (North South University). The relation has become so deep that I can hardly think of missing NSU life... And probably I'll not miss it for a couple or three more years... Yes, I have been selected as an MBA student…

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NSUCC vs NSUSS Football Fiesta..

There was a match between NSUCC (NSU Computer Club) vs NSUSS (NSU Shangskritik Shangathan) today. The match took place in the Banani DOHS ground, which is moderately a big enough ground. NSUCC vs NSUSS match has always been a fascinating event to watch, as both the club are like rivals in the sports arena. Last…

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In Bangladesh, the mobile phone companies emphasized mainly on voice service upto the end of 2005. Since then, the operators are introducing newer and modern technology to meet the data communication requirement of the clients. Other countries adopted those features long ago, specially the GPRS. GrameenPhone is the pioneer in introducing this type of data…

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