Moving Joomla Site – VirtueMart problem – frontend and admin panel points to old path.

I recently encountered a problem with a Joomla website which had VirtuMart in it. I moved the whole joomla site from a demo server to an active server with the actual domain pointing to it. Everything worked fine as I did the required changes in the configuration.php of the joomla folder. But the VirtueMart component was still pointing to the old demo server path. I then googles a bit and found a very good solution. I changed the config file of the virtuemart component located at:


The following two paths need to be changed with the new path:

  1. define( ‘URL’, ‘http://demoserverURL/joomlafolder/’ );
  2. define( ‘SECUREURL’, ‘http://demoserverURL/joomlafolder/ );

Instead of the “demoserverLink/joomlafolder” use your actual joomla folder link.

You might face a new problem while doing this. If you are using ftp to download the file “virtuemart.cfg.php” and re-upload it with the changed path, you may get an “Permission Denied” error. There is a good solution for this too. Install a joomla component named “Extplorer” or “JoomlaXplorer“. This component is a joomla admin panel component that gives you the power to upload/delete/edit files in the joomla site. After installing any one of these two components just browse through the file and edit the above mentioned two lines of the “virtuemart.cfg.php” file.

I could get rid of the problem this way, I hope the solution will be useful for anyone facing the same problem.

2 thoughts on “Moving Joomla Site – VirtueMart problem – frontend and admin panel points to old path.

  1. Hi,
    There’s even a simple solution ie, those two lines can be changed from the joomla administrator. by the following procedure.

    1. go to the component tab.
    2. select the VirtueMart Component.
    3. next under “Admin tab” click on the Configuration, it will open list of tab.
    4. select the Security tab you will find 2 input box like bellow —

    “Site URL”

    put the URL on these two input box.

    hope this will work.

  2. to ravi: when the admin tab is pressed it tries to default to the previous server, therefore changing the file is necessary.

    thanks for the info Hasib – saved a lot of time for me.

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