A Little about WiMAX (Part-2)

What actually WiMAX can do? As discussed in earlier post, WiMAX works with the same principal as WiFi works. Data receiving and sending takes place through radio signal. Like WiFi there can be encryption system or other enhanced security system which prevents unauthorized access. The maximum data transfer rate through WiFi can be up to…

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A Little about WIMAX (Part-1)

What are the possible ways of getting Internet connectivity? - The probable answer might be something like the following: Dial up Connection BroadBand Connection (LAN, DSL, CABLE MODEM, T-1, T-2, E-1) Wireless Connections (WiFi, GPRS, EDGE, 1xRTT, EVDO, HSDPA etc) Probably a few more mediums are there, but all of these do have some types…

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Earn money from your non-professional websites

Commercial organizations tend to have their own websites as a part of their product's marketing, cataloging, display or information sharing purposes. Some websites do provide web services and earn money from those services. But some sites are there which neither belong to any commercial organizations nor provide any web services. For example: Photo sharing site,…

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Search Engine Optimization ( Part-3)

As the Internet dependency for getting information trend is widening everyday, optimizing your site is also becoming important. It's obvious that you would like to see your site's link in top position for your site's relevant searches in the Search Engines like Google, Yahoo or others. Most search engines employ methods to rank the results…

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